About the Producer: Walter T. Shaw


Walter T. Shaw is a distinguished producer with a wealth of experience in the film industry. Known for his innovative approach and keen eye for compelling stories, Shaw brings a unique vision to “The Price for Freedom,” ensuring that the story of the Moore family is told with authenticity and impact.

Early Life and Background

Walter T. Shaw was born and raised in New York City, where he developed an early passion for storytelling and cinema. He studied film production and business, gaining a comprehensive understanding of both the creative and logistical aspects of filmmaking.

Career Highlights

  • Diverse Portfolio: Walter has produced a wide range of films, from independent features to major studio productions. His versatility and adaptability have made him a respected figure in the industry.
  • Award-Winning Projects: Over the years, Shaw has been involved in several award-winning films, demonstrating his ability to recognize and nurture powerful stories.
  • Innovative Production Techniques: Known for embracing new technologies and production methods, Walter consistently pushes the boundaries of traditional filmmaking.

Role in “The Price for Freedom”

As a producer, Walter T. Shaw plays a critical role in bringing “The Price for Freedom” to life. His responsibilities include:

  • Project Development: Overseeing the development process, from securing funding to assembling the creative team.
  • Production Oversight: Managing the production schedule, budget, and resources to ensure a smooth filming process.
  • Creative Collaboration: Working closely with the director, writers, and cast to maintain the integrity of the story and ensure a cohesive vision.

Vision for “The Price for Freedom”

Walter T. Shaw is deeply committed to honoring the legacy of Harry and Harriette Moore. His vision for the film is to create an emotionally resonant and historically accurate portrayal of their fight for civil rights. Shaw aims to inspire audiences with the Moore family’s courage and resilience, highlighting the broader significance of their contributions to social justice.

Quotes from Walter T. Shaw

  • “The story of the Moores is a powerful testament to the strength of the human spirit. It is a privilege to help bring their story to the screen.”
  • “Producing ‘The Price for Freedom’ is not just about making a film; it’s about preserving a vital part of history and educating future generations.”


  • On Set: Photos of Walter T. Shaw working behind the scenes on “The Price for Freedom.”
  • Production Meetings: Images of Walter collaborating with the director and creative team.
  • Award Highlights: Moments from various award ceremonies recognizing Walter’s contributions to the film industry.


Walter T. Shaw’s expertise and dedication as a producer are instrumental in the creation of “The Price for Freedom.” His commitment to storytelling and passion for social justice ensure that the film will be a powerful and impactful tribute to the legacy of the Moore family.

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